
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Double-Time Writing

As I've continued to perform research on my shoulder surgery scheduled for next month, I've found a lot chat rooms where people who have had a similar procedure talk about the recuperation period. The general gist is that I may be unable to type for up to 4 weeks after surgery! How depressing!!!

I am preparing myself for this potentiality in two ways. First, I've been utilizing several online used booksellers to build up a small library for myself. I have nearly 10 books now waiting for me to begin on October 26. If nothing else, I'll certainly have the time to read and meditate. :-)

Second, since I have three ongoing series, I have decided to commit the next month to doing double-time writing. I will continue to write as always for the next month or so. In between my daily posts, I will work to schedule posts for the 3 series through, at least, the middle of November.

I will also look into speech-to-text software, but even if I find something that looks workable, I'm not that sure I would use it. I think best when writing and not when speaking. But one should never say never...

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