
Friday, September 24, 2010

Debris in the Stream

I'm having one of those days! There are so many topics swirling inside me lil' noggin, but I can't seem to fish them out to put them down on paper. It's almost like there are so many ideas and concepts that they resemble debris clogging a stream and blocking flow.

In the days of yore, I would have tried forcibly to cut through the debris to eke out a substandard post, but I'm trying to learn to understand the ebbs and flow of...well...flow itself. While writing is my craft and it is important to practice it daily, it is just as important to listen to the void and lay down my pen from time to time.

So, I think I'll go read. When the words are ready to flow again -- tomorrow or 5 minutes from now -- I'll try to lasso them onto this screen. Hopefully, I will get to be able them in some sense of semblance they that so order make! :-)


  1. I have those days, too. It's definitely better not to force it although I do take a minute to jot down reminders for my ideas if I think I might forget them.

  2. I sort of live in a world of brain fog and debris, 24/7. There was a time where I could take all that debris and organize it, deal with it and dispose of it. Not any more!

    Now, I just wait. Thing is, I might wait days, weeks or months before I can tackle the debris. By the time I might "come-to" most of the debris has decomposed and found refuge in it's own little compost pile. Once in awhile I find some good earth to plant some seeds. I never know when it will come but when it does, I write.


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