
Friday, September 24, 2010


You've got to hand it to the Republican Party! Like all "good" politicos, amnesia seems to be considered a hallmark of their political acumen. I just downloaded their "new" Pledge to America and one sentence in the introduction REALLY jumped out at me.
We offer a plan to stop out-of-control spending and reduce the size of government.
Of course, this is nothing new. This has been their mantra for the last generation or two. But what I find the most astounding is that government spending and the greatest increase in the size of the federal government occurred PRIOR to the current administration. It was under a Republican President, one George W. Bush, that we went from black ink to red ink!!!

As I've made very clear, I'm no fan of the current president. I think he's carried forth too many of the previous administration's policies. That said, if the GOP truly supports such a bold statement, why didn't they trot out this pledge ANYTIME during Dubya's two terms?

My biggest worry, however, is that far too many American voters also value amnesia and they will buy this pile of crap hook, line and sinker!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Americans tend to have short political memories, but i hope they will not vote for the party that represents the rich & war profiteers again...i say i hope they will not do this, but i am not sure we will.


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