
Monday, September 6, 2010

The American Theocracy - US National Anthem

In the new American theocracy, the Star Spangled Banner will be cast aside as the nation's national anthem. Not only is it one of the most difficult national anthems to sing, but the popular version (the first stanza) makes no mention of God, the heavenly father, at all!! One has to wait until the 4th stanza -- ever heard the 4th stanza sung at a football game? -- for the SOLE mention of God in the whole dang thing.

This will simply not do, not do at all.

In it's place, God Bless America by Irving Berlin finally will take it's rightful place. It will be played several times per day on every licensed media outlet. Along with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance, it will form the start of every school day. It will be a mandatory requirement to be sung or played before every sporting event in which Americans participate. It will serve as the benediction for every church service or religious activity. It will become as ubiquitous as air itself.

So, here it is. Get used to it. Learn the words forwards and backwards. And always remember, America is the greatest nation on earth because the conservative Christian god blesses us to be so.

For full disclosure, I will admit for all to see that I absolutely DETEST this song!! Then again, I'm an avowed heretic.

If you're interested in reading more from this tongue-in-cheek series, go to the The American Theocracy Index page.

1 comment:

  1. Do you know the Firesign Theater's version, "God Bless Vespucciland"?

    Can't find a link to the lyrics or the performance, but here's a start:

    Actually I think you'll like this script. It's available on CD.


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