
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Not So Irreplaceable

I have mentioned before that I tend to become very attached to objects. Believe it or not, I have a favorite fork! I have retained many items from my late mother and grandparents that have no functional use, but I can't bear to part with them. A lot of these items are stored away in boxes and I rarely get them out to look at. However, just knowing that they are still around is all I need.

Of course, one of the great drawbacks to attachments of this kind is that things break or become lost. In the past, if one of my favorite objects (and there are many!) broke or was misplaced, it could really send me into a tailspin. I remember a few years back when my wife accidentally broke one of my late mother's cereal bowls. While I wasn't all that upset with Della -- I mean, I understand that accidents do happen -- I was crestfallen that this special bowl was now only broken shards on the floor. I remained depressed for nearly a whole week!

One type of item that I am particularly fond of and have several cherished favorites is the proverbial drinking glass (beverage container). However, I no longer freak out as much when one breaks because, knowing the way my autistic constitution is, I have devised what I think is a foolproof plan.

Several years ago I introduced mason jars as beverage containers into our cupboards. While there's no question that I have become very attached to these glasses, we buy them in volume. When one breaks every so often, I simply grab the next one from storage and place it in the appropriate spot in the kitchen cabinet! Since all the mason jars are virtually identical, it tricks my mind into believing that nothing broke in the first place.

Now if only I could figure out a similar strategy for the important people in my life! :-D


  1. We're jar-drinkers too. Glad to know we're not alone, but I suspect there are far more of us than one would imagine.

  2. We should found a nationwide organization -- Jarheads of America.

    Oh, wait a second, that organization already exists. I think it's called the US Marines. :-D


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