
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Next Brouhaha?

In a report released yesterday, the State Department of the current administration has admitted to the United Nations what anyone paying attention already knows: there are numerous human rights shortcomings in the land of the brave and the free. The Obama administration had the gall to admit that discrimination in the US is still rampant.
In its first-ever report to the U.N. Human Rights Council on conditions in the United States, the State Department said Monday that some Americans, notably minorities, are still victims of discrimination. Despite success in reforming such inequities as slavery and the denial of women's right to vote, the department said, considerable progress is still needed.

"Although we have made great strides, work remains to meet our goal of ensuring equality before the law for all," it said.

The report noted that although the U.S. now has an African-American president and that women and Hispanics have won greater social and economic success, large segments of American society suffer from unfair policies and practices.

High unemployment rates, hate crime, poverty, poor housing, lack of access to health care and discriminatory hiring practices are among the challenges the report identified as affecting blacks, Latinos, Muslims, South Asians, Native Americans and gays and lesbians in the United States...
Hmm. I'm wondering how Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and the rest will attack this report. Who thinks it will be the next brouhaha?

I mean, the US is perfect, right?


  1. No, they won't even mention it. Easier to ignore than to acknowledge it, because there's no argument against it. Who can deny the statistics, the individual stories, all that? No, they won't say a thing about it, or not against it anyways (they may claim credit for the "great strides")

  2. You may be right. On the other hand, I'm thinking the right will decry the fact that Obama was honest and that this honesty puts America in a bad light.


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