
Friday, August 20, 2010

Free for the Taking

From time to time, readers and others have contacted me asking for permission to use a post or quote something I've written. Folks, you don't need my permission. If the piece, in question, is written by Scott or someone else, then you can take it up with them.

I've placed no copyrights on anything I've written here. I'm not trying to sell anything for profit. I do utilize some links for many of the books featured, but I don't even derive money from that. (I simply earn credit that allows me to get more books!)

Everything on this blog by me is free for the taking. If you want to link a quote or a post back here, that's cool. If you simply want to say, "I read this on a blog somewhere and wanted to share it," that's cool too.

In the end, nothing I write about is original anyway. Philosophers have been asking these same questions for thousands of years and will do so for thousands of years more. While it's certainly true that I present the information in my own unique style and with my own unique insights, my conclusions and commentary aren't that different from so many others.

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