
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Derivations on a Theme - Boiling Over

Gail of Know Your It's wrote a post yesterday entitled, "Angry at God -- Today". Both she and her mother are dealing with some serious health issues and my heart certainly goes out to them.
I have asked God so many times "Why", and again, all you faithful folks, please don't preach to me about God and his infinite wisdom and so forth, I KNOW!! I am just being real, I am really, really angry at God. My Mom has been one of His most loyal servants and lives her life in alliance with the teachings of Jesus, always. And such alliance, I know. will sustain her through this, I KNOW!!! Still, to see her, so small and frail hooked to that machine which is literally her 'life-line' - it was really hard to take in...
As much as I can understand the frustration and bewilderment that goes along with facing one's own immobility AND mortality, I don't understand how a believer could be angry with an all-knowing, all-powerful entity responsible for that person's very existence. If a person believes that this supreme being loves each and every person with the greatest love of all, how could anyone be angry?

Of course, it should go without saying that, for me, all life's trials and tribulations show is that there is no such being! I mean, what parent would wish supreme pain and suffering on their children as a way of expressing their deep concern and compassion for them? What parent would push their child off the side of a mountain and, as the kid went tumbling down, scream out, "I love you more than life, ya know"?

In the real world, parents like these are arrested and charged with child abuse. We don't sing their praises and spend our days worshiping at their feet. So, why do some people, in such instances, grant a free pass to the supposed creator of the universe?

It makes no sense to me at all.

1 comment:

  1. HI RT

    well, first of all I am actually honored that you quoted me on your esteemed blog. :-)

    I have NO answers for you for the mysteries of faith. I guess I was hooping for a miracle, silly huh?

    Love you
    peace and hope.....


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