
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Born With

Unless you've been hiding out in a cave, I'm sure you've heard of the new tempest in a teapot: Is the current US President a Christian or actually a Muslim? This manufactured controversy centers around the fact his father was a Muslim at the time of his son's birth, though the father later became an atheist. So, as the wacko theory goes, if the father was a Muslim, then the child was born Muslim.

I've got news for anyone who is losing sleep over this non-issue: None of us are born believers in anything!! I don't care if your dad is a die-hard Dodgers fan or your mother is a lifelong Republican. I don't care if every generation since the invention of the wheel has identified themselves as Masons, Scientologists or Druids. In order for anyone to sign on, a conscious decision must be made and infants do not possess the capability to make such decisions!!!!

In fact, I agree with many people that indoctrinating young children into YOUR chosen belief system is a form of child abuse. It amounts to nothing more than systematic brainwashing. While there is nothing wrong with a parent sharing their views on the world with their offspring, it is quite another thing to submit them to systematic indoctrination.

All that produces is mindless robots, not independently-thinking human beings. It is very difficult to have "free will" when only one worldview has been shoved down a child's throat.

Yes, President Obama's father was a Muslim. So what?

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