
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The American Theocracy - Number Nine

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
~ Exodus 20:16, RSV ~
Application: Currently, there are many forms of being untruthful that can land a person in legal doo-doo. The new American theocracy will strengthen most of the current laws and insure that the penalties are more stringent. As outlined previously, blasphemy will be added via federal legislation with severe punishments. In addition, new laws will be added against making scientific claims that contradict fundamentalist Christian belief as well for ANYONE who seeks to instruct or indoctrinate any person in a belief system not congruent with Evangelical Christianity!

Exceptions: Government and church leaders -- in time, it will be difficult to discern the difference -- will be immune from all such laws. They will be able to promise falsely anything under the sun in order to convince the American populace to part with what's left of their meager money, to get them to go along peaceably with the most draconian policies, and willingly to sign-up to go off to fight in and die for every imperialistic war that comes down the pike.

Major corporations will be allowed to continue to lie through their teeth via advertising. They may continue to tell you that their products are healthy and have been tested using the latest unbiased scientific techniques, even when a first grader knows this to be untrue.

The mainstream media will be allowed to sidestep these sorts of regulations as well. The American theocracy will support the mainstream media when they tell the viewing public that they are providing all the news there is to know -- particularly when authorities KNOW the media is barely scratching the surface!

In essence, what these sorts of laws will boil down to is this: We commoners will be held to very strict standards under threat of severe penalties; everybody else can lie at will!

If you're interested in reading more from this tongue-in-cheek series, go to the The American Theocracy Index page.

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