
Monday, August 30, 2010

The American Theocracy - Number Four

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
~ Exodus 20:8, RSV ~
Application: Americans will be strongly encouraged to make attendance at church the focal point of each Sunday. However, in an interesting twist, this encouragement will not be set down in law. Though not a legal mandate, most of the wealthy will treat it as such anyway.

Exceptions: While there will be some debate at reinstating "Blue Laws," the theocratic powers will decide that such laws would put too much of a damper on American capitalism. With most of the high wage jobs now overseas, consumer spending will play a much greater role in keeping the national economy solvent. The malls MUST REMAIN OPEN.

A second consideration against reinstating Blue Laws is that it would make it more difficult for the wealthy elite to keep their lawns mowed and landscaped (among other things). Since the average work week will have increased from 40 to 60 hours and all minimum wage laws have been rescinded by this point, working class individuals may only be available on the Sabbath for the kind of jobs that used to go to illegal Latino immigrants -- those who are now barred completely from entry into the country.

If you're interested in reading more from this tongue-in-cheek series, go to the The American Theocracy Index page.


  1. I'm really enjoying this series. It sounds like it could be reworked into a great short story or novella if that's a form of writing that you like to do.

  2. Trey, have you ever read Robert Heinlein's novel "Job"? This reads like something out of Alexander Hergensheimer's world.

  3. Lydia,
    Go for it. Nothing I write on this blog is covered by a copyright. In fact, if you or someone else would like to take the general idea and run with it, I'd say Great.

    I read very little fiction. My main reading interests over the past decade have focused on history, [the study of] religion and philosophy.

  4. Trey, if you skip reading fiction you are missing out on the best literature. Heinlein was a social and political commentator, reminiscent of Jonathan Swift (Gulliver's Travels). I think you would find some of his books very interesting.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. In that case, I think I will! I didn't want to annoy you by stealing your idea but it's such an interesting concept. Thanks. :)

  7. Not long ago I was working on a weekend, on a Sunday, on a proposal. The Big Boss emailed to say that he appreciated our efforts, he'd just come from church where he prayed that we get the contract.


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