
Monday, August 30, 2010

The American Theocracy - Number Eight

You shall not steal.
~ Exodus 20:15, RSV ~
Application: As it now stands, stealing is already against the law. So, the new American theocracy won't need to spend much time passing or updating current statutes, though they definitely will work to stiffen the penalties.

Exceptions: While the police, prosecutors and courts will continue to focus almost all of their self-righteous zeal on the crimes of commoners, corporate crime will continue and steadily increase unabated.

Now that religion and government are intertwined, the utilization of eminent domain will take on a perverse spin. The Church will be allowed to take whatever private property it deems "necessary" and the payment of "fair compensation" will become a farce. In fact, in most cases, religious authorities will try to convince property owners to forgo any compensation at all by reminding them that God favors those who are more willing to give than to receive!

Corporations will continue to receive various tax advantages, outright subsidies, no interest loans and taxpayer-funded bailouts. Following the current trend, they will continue to externalize the costs of business. In addition, massive tort reform will shield corporations from significant liability and punitive damages when they despoil the environment, jeopardize the health and safety of workers, and/or their products and services maim and kill members of the general public.

If you're interested in reading more from this tongue-in-cheek series, go to the The American Theocracy Index page.

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