
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

228 - Each Day

For each of us, it is only depth of character that determines the profundity with which we face life. We can either add to our character each day, or we can fritter away our energies in distractions.
~ from 365 Tao: Daily Meditations, Entry 228 ~
I find it rather ironic that, while we live in a society bent on accumulation, the things we are told to value most are almost always external. We try to keep up with the Joneses in accumulating baubles and trinkets. We try to gain influence and power over others.

Little emphasis is placed on genuinely deepening our characters.

Religion does, of course, dictate that we lead virtuous lives, but it's a virtue that is derived from a hierarchical AND external system. Often, it seems to be of greater importance to follow the letter of the law -- via creeds and rituals -- than the spirit in which these mores were developed.

If any of us desire to embrace the profound nature of nature itself, it's all around us. We don't have to travel somewhere else to find it. We don't have to shut ourselves in a closet, away from the cacophony of the outside world.

All it takes is a willingness to be open to the grand mystery. All it takes is to provide the depth for Tao to fill.

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