
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Real Life Tao - The Dark Side

A negative attitude attracts negative people and creates negative results. The sage knows that maintaining a positive attitude will always bring a measure of success in due time.
~ Today's Taoist Daily Quote from Lao Fzu ~
Back in the 80s through early 90s, I plied my trade as a Licensed Social Worker. For the most part, I worked with dysfunctional families that had issues that centered around child and/or spousal abuse. While many of my adult clients readily recognized the problems within their families and worked hard to rectify the situation, a not insignificant number simply couldn't or wouldn't fathom why their lives were filled with so much negative energy and forces.

Of course, it was so every easy to identify these individuals. They were the ones who came to meetings with a dour expression and complaints about everything under the sun.
  • My children, spouse, partner, parents, coworker, neighbor, pastor or (fill in the blank) doesn't like me or is out to get me.
  • I keep getting involved with one abuser, alcoholic, deadbeat, pathological liar or (fill in the blank) after another.
  • The world, God, fate, luck or (fill in the blank) is and will always be against me.
  • No matter how hard I try to change, my boss, partner, in-laws, friends, relatives or (fill in the blank) always undermine[s] me.
It didn't matter what the issue was. It didn't matter how easy it might be to complete. It didn't matter if we bent over backward to give an individual a second, third or fourth chance to resolve the problem. Every attempt to help the family mitigate the key issues was met with negativity.

On many occasions, I would pointblank tell the person that their own negative aura was the biggest stumbling block to healing. In most cases, the people who attract negativity are the people who project it outward.

In many ways, our beliefs and attitudes about the world around us behave like a magnet. People who tend to see the good in life attract goodness and beauty. People who tend to see the badness of life are more apt to attract disharmony and ugliness. So, if negativity seems to cling to us like a fly stuck on flypaper, the first place to look is in the mirror!

This is not to say that individuals with a positive attitude never meet ugliness nor calamity along the path. In my opinion, it's impossible to live a meaningful life and NOT run into hurdles or barriers from time to time. But the person who embraces the Way is better able to deal with the yin and the yang of life.

When the negative person encounters lemons, she/he is apt to throw up their hands and mutter something about this being par for the course.

When the positive person encounters lemons, they simply make lemonade! In other words, they take in stride all that this life can dish out. They deal with the good and the bad, then continue walking down the road.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.

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