
Monday, June 14, 2010

New Voices Along the Path XVIII

In my continuing efforts to introduce you to the new links listed in the Taoist Wanderers section of the right sidebar, here are some more!

Chad Hansen's Chinese Philosophy Pages
This site contains segments of an extended interpretive theory of Classical Chinese philosophy that takes Daoism (Taoism) as the philosophical center. The interpretive theory turns on a new, more philosophical reading of the Daoist philosopher Zhuangzi (ChuangTzu 莊子). My analysis highlights skeptical and relativist themes in his thinking. The crucial novelty is the assumption that Zhuangzi was a philosopher of language, like his close friend and philosophical interlocutor, Hui Shi, . He was deeply engaged with the linguistic and other insights of the Later Mohists (sometimes called Neo-Mohists or Dialectical Mohists) and the School of Names. His relation to the other famous Daoist, Laozi (Lao Tzu) is rather more indirect but their views are complementary in that both deal with 道daoguide at a higher level than do Confucians or Mohists.

Hi, I'm Jeff. I’m 29 years old and I live in Ottawa, Canada. I’m half-Taoist, half trapped in Western thought. I’m also part pho­tog­ra­pher, part writer, part film­maker, but all lover.

Taiji on Maui's Blog
This is my site for posting all things about Taiji (Tai Chi) as a service to students and to archive information. First off, my attitude is, “if it’s not fun; forget it.” I love Taiji, Qigong, Meditation, and Taoist Philosophy. Not only do I think these things are “Fun”, but they saved my life. I do not profess to teach or help anyone, really I just show them a Way that worked for me. For me, claiming to “Teach Taiji” would be pretentious; for it is The Great Way itself that is the teacher and Taiji is a path that leads there. You need to help yourself, all I do is show the Way. When I started my “Taoist life” it was full time immediately, devouring everything I could read and training all day, I was like a monk on a mountain. I’m a little more relaxed now….

The Dao
A site similar to Wikipedia. It provides loads of information on Daoism/Taoism.

The Effortless Way
My name’s Jacob Godwin. I am an acupuncturist and teach martial arts. I earned my Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the Academy of OM at Austin. My practice focuses mostly on mental-emotional problems. I also treat pain and many other conditions. My own self-cultivation practice through martial arts and meditation has helped me to have more insight into problems of the mind than other conditions. The mind (spirit) runs the show. Focusing on that has made me successful in my practice.

The Entry Level Urban Monk
A self-proclaimed Entry-Level Urban Taoist Monk's journey towards harmony, vitality and immortality within the depths of a megalomaniac human society.

The Old Stinger
Just a wu wei dude.

The 712
712 entries, of 712 words each. The focus being on virtue. In fullness, the writing will be nothing but the accumulation of generous acts. Communicative acts as those left by Lao Tzu for the gatekeeper. Joy, Love, Knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, wholesome thoughts, courage, and more to enrich readers. As Ayn Rand steeled others’ wills and self-esteem, and Orwell changed minds and worked to alter the way the public see totalitarian administrations, there is a need for a writer to point away from the current culture, to establish a philosophy through writing which established hope, strength and empowerment to the misguided, disheartened and defeated. I’m giving it a go.

The Unforced Life
I am a T'ai-Chi Teacher and Singer/Songwriter living in Ashland, OR. This blog is dedicated to musings about what I like to call "The Unforced Life".

The Way of the Consultant
A new English mistranslation of the Dao De Jing.

Zen and Dao: Notes on the Way
One seeker's search for the Zen of Tao and the Tao of Zen.

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