
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Derivations on a Theme - Outlook

Where there is yin, there is yang. Where there is yang, there is yin. Such is harmonic balance of nature. Without one, there could not be the other. The universe maintains itself through this truth.

If we define something as easy, something else must be difficult. Hot begets cold. Beauty begets ugliness. Order begets chaos. It is existence of each, that creates the other.

There will be rain and there will be sun. There will be daylight and darkness. Superstition and science. For every good day we have, there will be a bad one. However, by wisdom we can seek goodness out of a bad day...
~ Quoted from Pure Mountain Tao (emphasis added) ~
We each experience days that, in the words of George Carlin, could best be described as "shitty".

Nothing seems to go right. We show up late wherever we're headed. We seem to be all thumbs. If any luck appears to be involved, then our luck that day is b-a-d. We just want to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over our head.

But, as Roshi Hogan states above, it is through wisdom that we learn from those kinds of days. If our lives were only milk and honey, there would be little opportunity for growth. We grow because we come to understand the folly of our ways.

Not only can we grow, but sometimes we can laugh as well. In fact, when life seems to be chasing us by the tail about the only thing that can keep a person sane is to laugh it off and realize that for every bad day, there will be an equally good one somewhere down the road.

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