
Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Sound of the Horn Goes BP

Gosh, whoever is in charge of British Petroleum's (BP) public relations effort should be fired! Almost every move they try to make is wrong and public confidence in this mega corporation ticks down by the day. In fact, each days' headline makes them look worse and worse.

The latest brouhaha is that they bused in temporary clean-up workers yesterday for photo ops with the President and then, as soon as he left, so too did the workers. According to CNN,
Early Friday morning, "a number of buses brought in approximately 300 to 400 workers that had been recruited all week," Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts told CNN's "Situation Room."

Roberts said the workers were offered $12 an hour to come out to the scene at Grand Isle and work in what he called a "dog and pony show."

...Roberts told CNN's Anderson Cooper the hundreds of workers who showed up early Friday wouldn't speak to local emergency management officials.

"The sheriff's office did manage to get one person to speak with them and that individual said they were hired yesterday and told to report to a staging area at 7:30 this morning," Roberts added. "It just doesn't add up."

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