
Sunday, May 30, 2010

New Voices Along the Path XVI

I've been adding so many links lately that I'm getting behind in introducing them to you. So, without further ado, here are some more new links added to the Taoist Wanderers section in the right sidebar.

All the Words of a Language
I'm Racheal Anilyse! I visually communicate, which means I'm an illustrator, graphic designer, and indie publisher. I am the creator of Underground Art School Magazine, I am a contributor on the art + illustration blog Pikaland and am working on a career in children's books. Hello! (Blog includes weekly image with text on Taoist themes.)

Annastao Blog
When I was in my early 20′s I met a person who introduced me to Chinese philosophy; I learned T’ai chi and how to use the I Ching. I read the “Tao te ching” by Lao Tze – over and over again in my efforts to understand the meaning behind the words. I could grasp that I was on to something bigger than I had hitherto known, but I couldn’t wrap my head around it – make it my own. I copied the book, by hand, into a note-book that still is with me, 26 years later. I have since that time studied Chinese philosophy and healing as part of my profession. During these years I had a yearning to actively live the Tao, but I didn’t know how until, 9 months ago, I realized that the time had come.

The Daodejing is a poem, a collection of aphorisms, that talks about the natural design of life, the Dao, and the way we humans can live in accordance with this design rather than oppose it. It celebrates simplicity and spontaneity, naturalness and freedom. Above all, perhaps, it shows us the way to a wholeness of vision.

Daoist Studies
The main items on the website can all be accessed from the menu bar on the top. Additional options become available depending on whether you are logged in. To create content you must be logged in, and then the relevant menu items will become visible on the right hand menu. The bibliography contains information on books and articles that are relevant to Daoist Studies. Of note is the complete index of Chinese and pinyin titles to the Ming Zhengtong Daozang. This index can be searched using the search function on any page, and the first 334 of the titles (so far) have been uploaded in PDF format. The bibliography database now features the 991 titles of the Zangwai Daoshu with links to PDF facsimilies of the texts.

Dynamic Tao
We have published the first attempt to understand Tao philosophy in the book: The Dynamic Tao and Its Manifestations in 2004, after an intensive study of the underlying principle of Tao.. We have further achieved significant understanding of the Tao Te Ching in the last five years. The principle behind the cryptic verses is rather simple as the Principle of Oneness. We are hopeful that we may be able to provide an ultimate interpretation of this Chinese classic without leaving much mystic speculations.

Tao Practice
The Tao Practice is a holistic philosophy and practice based on the culture and tradition of Tao, incorporating elements from Buddhism and other spiritual traditions from the East as well as the West. The Tao Practice offers a fresh perspective on these ancient teachings and provides practical methods and ideas to help us achieve more clarity and well-being.

Tao of the Day
Tao of the Day is a site for all things related to the Tao (also spelled Dao). We'll cover the entire Tao Te Ching several times each year, with one chapter being the center of attention each day. You can always comment on past days, but let's try to keep it flowing as the days progress.

Tao Te Ching Project
On Sunday, April 11th, 2010, we started a new series on You, Simplified where each week, we review and discuss a passage of the Tao Te Ching. You can follow all 81 passages as they get added on this page.

Taoism refer to many fundamental truths that have been observed in Nature. Some of these fundamental beliefs that influence the teachings: The Tao - The Path - understanding of the true nature of mind and reality and by application the way of living in harmony with the changes in Nature; Wu wei - The Natural order, harmony with which allows for effortless doing; P'u - openess; and Ch'i - fundamental energy that forms the Yin and Yang. The search for the Tao and application of Taoist practices leads to exercises both physical and mental.

The Taoist Center
Located in Portland, Oregon, The Taoist Center is a place where students of the Dao can gather to study, discuss and examine their connection to the Dao. The Taoist Center also provides practice space for acupuncturists, body workers and students of Asian influenced medicines.

Non-English Blogs
(I'm simply going to list them)
Tao in Image & Word (Dutch)
Taoisme (Dutch)
Taoismo en Espanol (Spanish)
365 Meditaciones Tao (Spanish)

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