
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Waiting for the Next Shoe to Drop

The suspense is killing me! I won't begin to walk down my new path until next Wednesday -- when I go see the orthopedic surgeon. Even then, it won't be an immediate change of direction as I will need a follow-up to review the best course of action regarding the torn ligament in my shoulder. However, as I've continued to do research on the Internet of the most likely procedures, it looks more and more like my routine, as I currently know it, is going to undergo some major changes.

For example, if I have my hip joint replaced, this could mean a 1 - 2 week stay in the hospital. I haven't spent that much time away from home in decades! If that wasn't enough to freak me out, there's a good chance I'll be bedridden for most of that time and motoring about my house afterwords will offer some big challenges.

My bedroom is upstairs and I won't be allowed to use a staircase for months. I sleep on the floor and THAT will definitely be out. I guess we'll have to rent a hospital bed and set it up in the living or dining room. I'll also have to move my computer to the first floor and, possibly, investigate some speech-to-text programs since it will be a good month or two before I can sit in a chair comfortably.

While, of course, I'm thinking how a potential operation will effect yours truly, I'm also very cognizant that it will mean dire changes for my wife!! All the household duties that I take care of (managing the finances, taking care of the animals, doing the dishes, vacuuming, doing 95% of the grocery shopping, etc.) will fall on her shoulders. On top of that, she'll have to take care of me!

As a general rule, I'm not the best patient. I like taking care of most of my needs. I prepare most of my own meals, wash my own clothes and enjoy puttering around the house following my set routines. It looks like my cherished routines will be flying out the door very soon.

I'm not happy about this prospect -- not happy at all -- but it is what it is. I think the chances are very, very slim that I will be able to avoid an operation. According to my research, if I don't get my hip fixed soon, it will eventually break into itsy bitsy pieces and then the recovery time will be that much longer and far more painful.

My biggest hope now is that, if the orthopedic surgeon orders more diagnostic tests -- which I'm anticipating he will -- we don't find even more issues to deal with. Personally, I think a degenerative hip and an ailing shoulder are enough to fill my plate for the time being!


  1. awww sorry to hear that! i'm a horrible patient too... it makes me very irritated to need help from others. hopefully you'll get enough head's up to start transitioning to a new routine.

  2. My wife reports that I'm becoming a bit better patient. When I was younger, she hated it when I was sick or injured because I kept getting up against doctor's orders! I guess my advancing years and a bit of wisdom have taught me to listen to my doctor more closely.


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