
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Best Wishes

At one time or another, every person I've ever known has had a wish or a dream. Some are big and grandiose, others are small and of a limited scope. As I sit here pecking away at the keyboard in the wee hours of the morning, I can tell you of my chief wish.

It doesn't involve fortune, though winning a modest sum in a lottery or drawing wouldn't be bad at all. It doesn't involve fame -- I've never desired to be famous. That's not the wish of an anti-social person who values anonymity. In fact, it doesn't involve most of the kinds of things that the vast majority of folks crave or dream about.

My supreme wish is to experience just one day without pain. That's why I'm awake and typing right now. My pain level is too high to accommodate sleep!

I'm not asking for a lifetime free of pain. That would be wholly unrealistic. I'm not desiring an entire year, a month or even a complete week. All I would like is one day.

I would just like to know the feeling of what I'm missing out on. I've spent my life suffering from degenerative arthritis and fibromyalgia. I've spent my life dealing with bodily parts swelling, bones crackling and connective tissue writhing. Pain is my constant companion.

But don't feel sorry for me. When you lead a life filled with chronic pain, you get used to it. Though it never goes away or abates, this doesn't mean a person is never happy. I laugh a lot. I clown around a lot. I'm a bit of a wit and it brings me great joy to crack up others.

There are days, however, when the typical pain goes up by several notches and it becomes that much harder to deal with. For those of us with conditions like fibro, these episodes are called flares. I'm in the middle of a real nasty flare right now.

So, again, my number one wish is for one day pain free. If you'd like to share it, what is your number one wish?


  1. HI R T -

    I hope your humble wish is granted. My number one wish??

    For the M S NOT to progress.

    Love you

  2. I've read a lot of your posts and you are a genuinely good man. Few exist in our world these days. I hope your pain recedes.

    My number one wish is to find someone to spend the rest of my days with. I don't even care if I lived in a shack. Being with someone would make all the difference to me.

  3. Gail,
    I'm sure that, hand-in-hand with what you wrote, you also wish for a pain-free day or two. I know that MS can be a bitch! The docs are running some tests on me right now to make sure my fibro diagnosis is correct and it's not really MS.

    I firmly believe that, if you approach life with an open heart, you will find that special someone. It often takes time and a bit of "luck", but several someones are out there for you.

  4. i also hope you get your wish!

    honestly, although i'd really really like a bit more financial security right now, my number one wish is that my family be kept safe and healthy. if i get sick, or get into an accident, or die, i wouldn't feel too bad about it. but if i lost my son or husband or had to watch them suffer, or if i lost my mom due to her lupus or my sister due to an accident or whatever reason... i don't know if i could handle that.

  5. To fulfill someone else's number one wish... I've spent most of my life doing that....

  6. I am with you on the pain free day.

    One day of getting up feeling rested and pain free. One day of walking without a cane. No wheelchair. One day free of pain meds.

    And with at one pain free day doing all I can that I can not now do.

    I know it shall not be.......but I shall wish the same.


  7. Echoing the Dalai Lama, that everybody be free of suffering. Including myself.

  8. I feel for you, total different situation for me but a pain free day seems like a total dream. heres at least hopes to more good days than bad days. (i dont like to take em but have gone through quite a bit of my 'still in pain but dont care as much' pills lately)


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