
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time in a Bottle

If you were to do a search of my blog archives, you would find a few similar posts to this one. While I understand that time is a construct of human consciousness and probably exists nowhere else, we humans DO, in fact, mark the boundaries of our existence by time. And so, a specific annual event is coming soon which always slaps a big happy smile on my face -- Daylight Savings Time (DST) is almost here!!!

I LOATHE standard time. In November, when we set our clocks back one hour, I grumble incessantly for several days. It sort of casts a pall over the winter months. Mind you, I accept it for what it is, but I'm none too happy.

The pall begins to lift about this time each year and, on March 14, it will be thrown off like a bride's veil after the wedding vows. I'll be as happy as a carefree drunk and I'll probably dance a jig on the back deck.

The reason I'm so enthralled with DST is due to my odd sleeping habits. I typically go to bed between 2 - 5 am and so, when I arise later, my day gets going far later than most people. In the winter months, I'm sometimes lucky to see any more than 4 or 5 hours of daylight. I sometimes feel like a vampire!!

When DST arrives, I get to steal back a bit more daylight and, because the days are growing longer anyhow, I can sometimes enjoy up to 10 or 11 hours of daylight.

If I could decree such things, I would mandate that DST existed all year, every year. In fact, DST would become standard time.

Isn't this a bit selfish, you ask. Of course, it is! :>D

1 comment:

  1. We don't do it in Hawaii. No advantage really. It confuses us too, because now we have to readjust to know what time it is for all the time zones of the Mainland. Ah, the troubles of life in the tropics...tsunami warnings and everyone else's time changes.


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