
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Just One of Those Days

After writing my last post around 11:30 a.m. yesterday, my computer decided it was high time to go on the fritz. First, it froze up -- something that rarely happens. After the reboot, my sound system failed to initiate. While I was working on THAT issue, I then found that my RAM was screwed up. Next, I discovered something was wrong with the system configuration file.

While I'm not a complete doofus when it comes to computer issues, I'm not a tech geek either. Since I possess few analytical abilities, my chief method for fixing things is by trial and error, with a lot of emphasis on the error part! I spent about 10 hours (off and on) trying to run down one problem after another.

The weird part is that I remedied several of the issues, including the sound. Unfortunately, I have no idea HOW I fixed it. To be quite frank, I'm clueless as to which of the many strategies I employed worked. My wife said, "Don't worry about it. Just be glad some of the issues have been resolved."

She has a point. I'm tickled pink that I can hear the audio on my games and videos now. However, if this problem occurs again, I still have no idea how to fix it which means I'll probably spend another 10 hours trying this and that...until something works.



  1. I AM a computer geek having run a computer business in the past. That said it always frustrates me when I "fix" a problem yet I don't know "how" I did it.

    I always want to "know" which I suspect reflects a deeper issue with me.

    Glad you got it working.


  2. I thought computer geeks had all the answers! :D

  3. once, my car wouldn't start. the key wouldn't turn in the ignition. i jiggled it, tried various things that didn't work, jiggled it again, etc... for an hour stranded after dark. finally i called my mom, who got there, jiggled the key once, and it started! i hate when people just "fiddle with" stuff and it works, because i can never do that! it's very frustrating.

  4. There is a "laying on of hands" element in advanced technology, I have learned. Which is why I prefer my Mac which generally only screws up when something becomes totally obsolete.

  5. I have a calming aura. The computers at work always behave around me. Sometimes I don't have to touch one, I just have to be near it (responding to an issue) and it starts to work.'s weird.

    One of the best things to do would be to investigate having a Google account and put your most criticial things there (Mail=Gmail and Documents to Google docs). That way, the problem isn't "Hurry up and fix the computer", it's simply "get online".

    If you change the nature of the problem, you can use a Linux Boot CD to access the internet in seconds next time things go wrong.

    This will give you the opportunity to fix software problems on your computer at your own pace.

  6. Iktomi,
    Oooh, I've been there too! Don't ya just hate that?

    I started out with Macs in the mid 90s at work. I don't know why, but the Mac way of ordering things never made any sense to me. When we obtained some PCs, I immediately liked that OS far better.

    My worry with housing things online at Google is privacy issues. I don't trust them and I've read several recent articles that underscores why Google should not necessarily be trusted.


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