
Friday, February 26, 2010

Wen Tzu - Verse 155, Part III

from Verse One Hundred Fifty-Five
A man cannot outrun a swift horse, but if the horse were put into a cart it could not outrun a man. Therefore those who use the Way skillfully employ the resources of other people to accomplish their tasks, using what they can do for what they cannot.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
Sort of a weird illustration, wouldn't you say? A horse IN a cart?

The illustration aside, I like this passage because it suggests that, as far as group dynamics, we should make use of the individual talents of all participants. Each of us has unique talents. Groups can get far more accomplished if each member is allowed to utilize their specific talents for the betterment of the whole.

Back when I was an organizational person, I must admit that I tended to take on too many responsibilities. If I became sick or went away on a short vacation, the work of the group tended to stop dead in its tracks because the key cog was missing. It would have been better for all concerned if I had been better at a) not volunteering to do so much and b) delegating tasks to others based on their interest and/or abilities.

When organizations behave in such a manner, no one person becomes too indispensable. Key players can come and go, but the group continues to flourish.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.


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