
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wen Tzu - Verse 146

from Verse One Hundred Forty-Six
If you honor your life, even if you are rich and noble you will not injure your body by overeating; and even if you are poor and lowly you will not burden your body by profit seeking.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
Too often, we judge people by their standing in life, not by their behavior or traits.

If a person is lazy and financially poor, it is too often said that the individual is good for nothing and a malingerer. However, if a person is lazy and financially rich, it is too often said the individual has earned the right to sit back and do nothing. Yet, laziness is laziness.

If a person is overweight and we see them go back to the buffet table two or three times, it is too often said that such a person is a glutton and has no self-control. If a person is underweight and we see them go back to the buffet table two or three times, it is too often said that they need to eat up. Yet, taking more than one needs is still taking more than one needs.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.

1 comment:

  1. i completely agree. this is why i attempt not to make judgments on other people's lives. you just don't know what kind of person they are or what kind of circumstance they are in.


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