
Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Very Weird Week

Up and until the past 5 days, I generally spent, at least, 25% of all waking hours parked in front of my computer doing one thing or another. Over the past year or two, that one thing or another tends to involve blogging. However, my activities have also included family banking, some work for pay and general leisure.

It feels weird sitting at my computer this morning to type this post. For one thing, my head has been generally fuzzy from vicodin, used to control the pain. I have felt like I'm floating through clouds and have been unable to focus on stringing words together to make cogent sentences. My fingers haven't been working that well either!! ;>)

I realize that a lot of people like this sort of cloudy-in-the-head feeling, but I'm not one of them!! I've started to switch to high-dose Tylenol and, in time, I hope to get off the painkillers all together.

Once the fuzz clears from my mind, I've got a lot of different observations to share about my experiences from the past week. For now, I'm just looking forward to the day -- I hope it's not too far away -- when I can eat solid food again. (I've lost 10 pounds this week!!)


  1. Your brain may be fuzzy, but your post is not fuzzy at all! It's very clear, as it usually is.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about the situation. Three days ago I got two fillings replaced and the dentist, while being an excellent dentist, numbed my mouth so severely (successfully?)that even though I was careful, I chewed up my lower lip. It will heal, and I'm not ever remotely close to where you are at -- but I can sympathize.


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