
Sunday, February 28, 2010

New Voices Along the Path XII

Over the past two months I've added quite a few new links to the Taoist Wanderers section in the right sidebar. So, I'll introduce you to approximately one-half of them today.

Daily Cup of Tao
Written by the bloke who brings us Tao Wow, "This blog will have one short post per day. No particular order or quality. Though, I must say, some of the ones later in the year are very good." He's being modest. Almost EVERY daily entry is a keeper!!

Digital Taoist
The tag line reads: "Actively Knowing Nothing," but it's patently obvious that this blogger knows a thing or two.

Stationary Pilgrim
(Written by a Taoist.) With any undertaking there has to be a motive/reason for starting and for the direction we take. As often happens in a busy life, competing demands may cause us to set aside the good habits that we know should be a daily part of our lives. Good habits can of course be replaced not just by neutral habits, but by one that are negative and work against our physical well being, our spirituality and connectedness with other people. Last summer I pondered the idea of making a pilgrimage/long walk to “spiritual sites” in the region where I live. However, life demands (financial and family) made me realize this was not feasible. After seeing the movie Julie and Julia I realized that a Blog could act as the thread with which to bring together my motivational, creative and spiritual needs.

Tao for Life
An Online Journal Of Learning The Way Of Tao. Like this blog, it has undertaken to explore the verses of the Tao Te Ching as it applies to modern life.

Taoismo in Espanol
If Spanish is your native language, then this blog may be for you!

The Tao of Autism
Taoism and autism seem to go hand-in-hand. Taoism almost seems designed with the autistic in mind. There is so much wisdom from Taoism that can be applied to an autistic's life. I bring that wisdom here, as well as wisdom from elsewhere, to share through my unique lens. Unfortunately, the blog hasn't been updated since December.

WSR Taoism
This blog combines the eye of a photographer with the heart of a Taoist.

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