
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I Yam What I Yam

The other day I was perusing various blogs and came upon one that deals with metaphysical topics. I left a comment on one of the posts and, in a short time, the author sent me an email in which she indicated that she has been desiring to hook up with a Taoist to write a guest column on the subject. So, she believed it was karma that her desire coincided with my visit!

Within a day or two, I wrote the guest column, but it turns out it won't appear on her blog. The reason? She is squeamish because I ran for Governor in Oregon as a Socialist in 1998.

As Popeye the Sailor is known to say, "I yam what I yam." I can't change my past -- none of us can. It is what it is and, whether one wishes to or not, we can't escape it. In my case, I don't want to escape it because my past has brought me to right now and I kind of like right now. :>)

This whole episode has given me a chuckle. It seems this woman's karma is on the fritz. It saw clearly enough to bring us together at the right time, but it obviously didn't do a proper background check! If it had done the proper background check, then it wouldn't have brought us together in the first place.

Funny how karma works that way sometimes.


  1. She doesn't understand karma. Karma is not coincidence; that is serendipity or part of Tao, which brings things together at the right time. Karma is more of a payback for things done in the past. So perhaps not getting your post on her blog is part of your karma, but doesn't bother you. For her, her prejudices are part of her karma, which she can't get past. She is still being ruled by her karma, you are not.

    The part people don't get is that you don't have to be affected by your karma if you've learned to detach from expectations anyway. Then, results don't matter as much as doing the right thing in the moment.

  2. HI R T

    great story! :-) And ya, fritzed karma indeed. I wonder what people are so afraid of? Differences? Being associated with differences? Mind boggling, huh?

    Love to you

  3. Donna,
    To be fair, karma is the word I chose to describe it, not hers. Maybe I chose the wrong word! The way she described it was that she was thinking of her desire and I "listened". So, the mysterious forces of whatever brought us together at the right time.

    I realize "Socialist" is a scary word for many Americans. In the past, I actually lost job opportunities due to this association.

  4. Karma is action, all action, any action. All action is karma.

    Fruit of action is normally what people mean by karma and that is properly known as phalum.


    While I'm at it ... :D on my high horse..

    When people say Yoga they truly mean assana. Assana is putting your body in odd poses and is only a part, a small part, of some kinds of yoga.

    Yoga itself is to join, yoke, unite or bond. Normally this is uniting mind and body or body and spirit or some such. There are many different yogas, but bending over is not one.

  5. See. I learn such interesting and valuable information by blogging!


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