
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Wen Tzu - Verse 132, Part III

from Verse One Hundred Thirty-Two
When the eyes delight in colors, the palate craves rich flavors, the ears indulge in music, and all the avenues of sense vie with one another, this damages the whole essential natural harmony: then one cannot even govern one's own body, much less govern the land.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
It's popular to heap scorn on the entertainment and television industries for many of the excesses of our consumer-driven culture. To be sure, they certainly are entitled to some of the blame. From my perspective, however, they are just one of many symptoms of a society that puts profits before people, other creatures and the earth itself.

As long as people are viewed as nothing more important than consumers, we will remain mired in this muck of excess. When a US president goes on television to tell a nervous public that the best way to show supposed terrorists that they can't scare us is to go to the mall to shop, you should know that your civilization has the wrong priorities.

But before we cast the finger of aspersion at others, we each need to look in the mirror. If we're playing the same game as our neighbors, then who are we to criticize such behavior?

Striving for balance and simplicity starts with each of us as individuals in our own hearts.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.


  1. When I first arrived in Canada, around 1972, I was horrifically offended by a radio announcer.

    Three words were all he used.
    They were so alien, so disgusting, I have never forgotten them:

    "Good Morning, consumers".

  2. Ooh, now this is an oddity, for sure. The Crow actually provides a bit of substantive evidence for a claim that he makes. I may need to take a photo of this one and put it on my wall.

  3. How old did you say you were RT?

  4. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Remember the rules! No questions.


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