
Monday, December 7, 2009

Wen Tzu - Verse 59, Part I

from Verse Fifty-Nine
When there is light in the sky, one does not worry about darkness among the people; when there is wealth in the earth, one does not worry about poverty among the people.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
Without nature, we are nothing. It clothes us, houses us, nourishes us and nurtures us. It gives of itself without asking for anything in return. It's like a womb. Without it, we would die.

So, why do we exploit it so? I'm not asking a backhanded question about global warming or something of that ilk. Whether you believe climate change is man-made or not is immaterial to my question. I simply want to know why humanity is bent on degrading the womb of life?

Imagine if a fetus of any mammal behaved in this manner. It would take from the womb any resources that suited its fancy and it would spew vile waste every which way. Every action would be predicated on its own whims and desires.

In short order, the host being would begin to suffer mightily and, because of the symbiotic relationship between the host and its "guest," the fetus itself would begin to suffer too. If the fetus didn't change its behavior, the host would die which would doom the fetus too.

For all the concern about the potential for aborted human fetuses, why are so few people concerned about the potential aborting of life on earth as we know it?

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.


  1. As Savitri Devi said, man alone of all the creatures disobeys the laws of nature. There is something inherently perverse about our species, which is why it requires war and the secret police.

  2. There are many similarities between humans, parasites and viruses.
    All are more than capable of destroying the very thing that enables them to live.
    For too long I concerned myself with trying to be like other people.
    Now I rejoice in being unique and different.

  3. Dasein36,
    But war and the secret police are perversities of perversities.

    I no longer rejoice nor despair of my uniqueness. It is what is is. :)

  4. Seems quite likely that Mother Earth will abort us if we continue as we are. The system will crash. The universe doesn't really care, doesn't need us. Good riddance, pesky messy humans, the species that requires, actually appears to love, war and secret police. Somewhere else in the universe there may be a consciousness that is on a higher level.

    Actually this is making me think of Reinhold Neibuhr's "Moral Man and Immoral Society."

    You or I can go beyond our selfishness to recognize we need to fix this, we may undertake actions to fix this, but nations, social classes, corporations (which I don't think he included in his original analysis) are incapable of transcending their self-interest. Their self-interest is their raison d'etre. Actually I think many individuals are concerned, but until we become a powerful entity of our own, we have little power to accomplish it. An environmental revolution. It could get ugly.

    So be Tao.

  5. RT--Not if you ask Heraclitus and Joseph de Maistre. And Heraclitus' affinities with Taoism have been noted by many.

  6. And in fact Baroness Radon said it aptly: the species that seems to need war and secret police. It needs them precisely because it is perverse. Without war and secret police we will surely get to the point where mother nature will abort us--too late of course to save thousands of species--and it will be good riddance.

  7. Grimly amusing.
    Is there another species that can't wait for its own annihilation?

  8. You might enjoy this post from one of my favorite bloggers...seems to the point.

  9. And it later occurs to me that each of us, individually, have a fetal secret policeman in us. There are plenty of things I would love to enforce: plastic bag consumption, irresponible breeding, a war against management science. Get enough of us together, in agreement, with enough firepower...well, there you go.


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