
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wen Tzu - Verse 32, Part I

from Verse Thirty-Two
Consider the world light, and the spirit is not burdened; consider myriad things slight, and the mind is not confused. Consider life and death equal, and the intellect is not afraid, consider change as sameness, and clarity is not obscured.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
As a person who suffers from untold amounts of anxiety, I know that 100% of it is generated in my mind. It's not derived from the situations themselves; it's my fear of the unexpected and unknown. As a person who has difficulty with change, I fear that which will alter my many set routines.

Because of the way the neurons have fused in my brain, I most likely will never rid myself of anxiety. It's something I'm stuck with -- it's my nature.

But this doesn't mean that I am strictly a prisoner of my physiology! I can learn to lessen the amount of anxiety I experience by taking the above passage to heart. I'm happy to report that, in some ways, it's already working!

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.


  1. Although I appreciate all of your posts...occasionally one like this will stick in my brain all day long!

  2. it's needed to accept who you are and the obstacles you face, but it's not healthy to be overcome and controlled by them. that's something i struggle with- i either tend to let my limitations get me down or try to stubbornly force my way through them. i'm not sure where the lines are, and they are very thin! anyway i hope you find the balance! :)


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