
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Blowing in the Wind

It's mid-autumn and that means rain in this here neck of the woods. It also means storms. Our first major one of the season is predicted for late this afternoon until mid-day Tuesday. The prognosticators believe we may see wind gusts of upwards to eighty miles per hour and sustained winds in the 25 -45 mph range. So, if you don't see any posts on here for a day or two, it most likely means the power has been knocked out.

Every corner of this world has extreme weather conditions to deal with. While we typically don't have to worry about tornadoes, hurricanes and blizzards -- though in the last couple of years we had to deal with conditions similar to the latter two -- we do have to put up with the potential for gales, tsunamis and earthquakes. So, we're preparing to batten down the hatches.

I've split a lot of wood in the past three days and my aching back can attest to it. Most of this wood is now stacked neatly against the wall in the dining room. If the electricity does go out, our fireplace will become our only heat source and, I suppose, our cooking range as well. All of our flashlights have newer batteries in them and I will be filling up several jugs of water -- in case the water system goes out too.

My sincere hope is that the power stays on so I can continue to offer verses and contemplations on the Wen Tzu and occasional weather updates. :>)


  1. As the weather turns colder, I wish you and yours the best.

  2. Asperger's, imo.


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