
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Verse 52: In the Beginning

Verse Fifty-Two
The beginning of everything
is the mother of everything.
Truly to know the mother
is to know her children,
and to truly know the children
is to turn back to the mother.
The body comes to its ending
but there is nothing to fear.

Close the openings,
shut the doors,
and to the end of life
nothing will trouble you.
Open the openings,
be busy with business,
and to the end of life
nothing can help you.

Insight sees the insignificant.
Strength knows how to yield.
Use the way's light, return to its insight,
and so keep from going too far.
That's how to practice what's forever.

~ Ursula LeGuin rendition ~
Almost every religion has a creation story. This tale explains how and why the earth and its creatures came to be. It also serves as a mechanism to establish the group that develops the story as the special or chosen people. This is as true for tribal religions as it is for Islam or Christianity. Even the religious form of Taoism follows this scheme.

Philosophical Taoists don't pretend to know the why of creation. We realize that no story nor myth will come anywhere close to the actual particulars. We simply accept that life is and go on from there. For many of us, we don't even consider the concept of "beginning" as a specific event but view the totality of life as an ever unfolding process. Some of us may even go as far as to see existence as a perpetuating circle.

More importantly, we don't view any particular group of people to be more or less worthy than any other. In fact, our worldview stretches beyond the human species. We don't see this world as playground for humans at the expense of any other life form. In essence, it could be said that all things are the children of "God".

This is one of they key points I harp on again and again. Where most religions erect artificial barriers between groups of people or individuals and people vs. other beings, philosophical Taoists see the connection of all things -- we are each a manifestation of the One.

Living in accordance with Tao is open to anything that desires it. There are no creeds nor rituals to follow. There are no prayers to say. You don't have to plop anything in a collection plate. You don't need to heed the pronouncements of clergy. You don't even need to call this essence, Tao.

All you need is to be aware of the connections and to lessen the hold your ego has on your being. Watch nature for clues of the life process. Learn the lesson of stillness, so you can be in better touch with your center. Live a life that is in balance and harmony with all around you.

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