
Thursday, September 3, 2009

New Voices Along the Path VI

Here are some new links added to the "Fellow Wanderers" section plus one in the Asperger's section (marked with an asterisk) in the right sidebar. Show 'em some love!

A Beautiful Soul
Hello, my name is Anna and I am a Registered Yoga teacher in NJ. I currently teach yoga & meditation to at-risk adolescents girls in a group home. I help them to adjust to their unfortunate circumstances by teaching them how to renew the mind, body, and spirit. Healing comes from addressing the whole body, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I am also a graduate student, studying Forensic Psychology. It is my goal through this blog to build the bridge between psychology and spirituality. I believe that spirituality is the missing link in all treatment of mental health, and my goal is to bring awareness and understanding to a place where Eastern philosophy meets Western Science.

Adventures in Solitude
In essence, it is what I refer to as my own spiritual journey. For me, this journey (Adventure) began in my mid twenties and continues today at 32. While embarking on my spiritual journey, I’ve learned that self exploration is never an easy task, for it requires deep introspection and facing many of the fears and insecurities that are deeply embedded in the psyche. On the other hand, I’ve also learned that embarking on this spiritual journey has proved to be an amazing Adventure! Like the choose your own Adventure novels I read as a kid, on my spiritual journey I not only get to choose my own Adventure, I am the protagonist and whether the Adventure takes it’s form through meditation, yoga, writing, photography, riding my bicycle, exploring the city, or traveling, I have uncovered a space of deep inner peace. A space that I was never fully aware of until most recently! It is with my deepest sincerity and an open heart that I hope this forum will provide a space to collectively explore the idea of spirituality, consciousness and creativity together. All thoughts, ideas and forms of expression are welcome and encouraged.

Adventure Scout
A blog by Cym, it's purpose is to educate yourself, build freedom, explore the world. Her most recent post is entitled, "Why I Deleted my Twitter Account and Why You Should Too". That alone allows me to give her blog a big thumbs up!! : )

Clouds of Thought
My name is Rose; it's nice to meet you. Welcome to my self-discovery blog. Help yourself to a drink of herbal tea, water or milk and nibble on an oatcake, bourbon biscuit or some crystalised ginger. Please click on my Characters tab to find out more about me and the characters mentioned on this blog.

*Here's the Thing...
I am a private music instructor and an Instructional Assistant in an ASD program. I have three sons - Don, David and Rory. My favorite way to spend my time is with my partner, Bob. He has three kids - Bob, Kristy and Rachel, and three grandhildren - Bobby, Selena and Kadin. Weekends are spent either at the shore or at home poolside or working in the yard.

Running Towards Stillness
Stephen Legault is a writer, activist, organizational development consultant and fundraiser who lives in Victoria, BC and Canmore, Alberta. Stephen started writing in 1988. Kicked out of his high school biology class, he bought a notebook and sat down in the woods near his Burlington Ontario home and wrote some really awful, angst ridden poetry. Since then, Stephen has written for the Globe and Mail, Canadian Geographic, Outdoor Canada, Canadian Wildlife, and dozens of other periodicals and newspapers. His first book, Carry Tiger to Mountain: The Tao of Activism and Leadership was published in April of 2006 by Arsenal Pulp Press.

The Humanist Contemplative
Humanist Contemplatives focuses on self improvement, introspection, and achieving eudaimonia (the flourishing, good life). Some may meditate or engage in other contemplative practices. They seek to experience the profound in the arts and explore new ideas and traditional inspirations on spirituality in a naturalistic context. They strive to be virtuous and compassionate in character.

The 10,000 Things
Meanderings along the Way. "To study the Buddha Way is to study the self, to study the self is to forget the self, and to forget the self is to be enlightened by the ten thousand things." - Eihei Dogen Zenji

Zen Mom
May all beings be peaceful. May all beings be happy. May all beings be safe. May all beings be free. May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature.


  1. I love that you're doing this Trey!

  2. Thanks for the mention. Got to work on that description though, its weak, was only meant to be temporary until I can create a more descriptive About page. Otherwise, this is a good series, top quality blogs, lot of interesting discoveries you've made.

  3. I'm glad the endeavor has proved useful to y'all.

  4. Trey,

    Mahalo for the mention! Most importantly, please accept my sincerest gratitude for uniting us ALL in this capacity and being a light of insight and wisdom.


  5. Thanks for the mention! I really appreciate it :) I've been reading your blog a while, just failed a comment much. I'm hoping to be able to comment a lot more.
    thans again for including me in this.


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