
Sunday, September 6, 2009

An Honest Reaction

Here's a tidbit on the health care debate I found interesting and right on target from the blog, Zoe Rights:
So I have a dear, dear friend, a guy I've known for over 23 years. Since I'm only 29 (.something) the longevity is totally amazing. I love him, I really do despite the fact he's a Republican moron. I just want to kneecap him sometimes but I think it might get in the way of our continued friendship.

So I posted the lovely sentiment going around...."No one should die because they cannot afford health care, and nobody should go broke because they get sick. If you agree, please post this as your status for the rest of the day."

I am not even going to debate this here other than to say I'm torn....1. It's sucky to be a position to not have health coverage and then have to decide if you should take your sick 4 year old into the emergency room. 2. It scares me to have the same entity that runs the DMV involved in our healthcare system. Back on track.....

His response to my post.... "I have health care because I choose a lifestyle, college, job, career that could afford me one. Just a thought."

Holding it in, holding it in, holding it in....OH MY GOD! Where do I even start? Your parents/grandparents/wife supported you so you could go to school. Your wife supported you for three years so you could 'figure out what you wanted to do with your life.' You've thrown away two professions so you could drink but insist you don't have a problem. You grew up in the same self-entitled upper middle class/high class neighborhood I did. Did you know, not everyone lives in million dollar houses surrounding a lake? Even though you blew through the inheritance your parents left you, you still live a fairly middle-class lifestyle, you middle-aged white, over privileged, self-entitled......honky. OMG, OMG, OMG!

Is it wrong for me to use the word honky? I'm a white, really young (middle-aged) woman from the suburbs. Not sure of the rules anymore.

Did I respond? No, I kept my cool. I breathed in, I breathed out, breathed in, out. Hmmm, that's very interesting you would say that. Stop. Done.


  1. lol :) my whole family is republican (or else similarly right wing). i can't say that i'm extremely left wing, (or if i even am...) but some things just really get my goat... and my sister, who is very open minded (for a fundamentalist) once posted a comment on a blog i wrote about gay marriage (i'm very very much pro gay marriage) and i couldn't believe my own sister would write such nonsense. :( she said something about gays shouldn't be allowed to marry because oral and anal sex is more likely to transmit STDs. WTF?

  2. Hilarious! In kinda a dark/sad way a little bit, but hiliarous nonetheless.

    Both the blog post and Iktomi's comment fit the above description.

  3. Iktomi,
    I come from a very liberal family, but one uncle is a Reagan Republican. When he & I talk, we steer clear of talking about politics altogether!

    Yes, it is a bit of dark humor!

  4. First: Thank you so much for highlighting my rant here! I'm flattered and grateful.

    Second: I have a hard time with intolerance in whatever form. Probably why I'm attracted to Taoism, yet I have a long way to go as I need to learn how not to be so judgmental even when I don't agree.


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