
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fer Sale

If you haven't heard the news yet, let me be the first to tell ya -- it's been announced here and here that the worst recession in 70 years is over!! It seems that manufacturing and housing sales rose a bit more than expected and we'll soon return to the times of milk and honey. I'm so deliriously happy I'm going to burn some of my excess millions in the fireplace...oh wait...I don't have ANY excess pennies, let alone dollars!

Maybe the economists are right, but you sure couldn't tell it from my neck of the woods. Most families in Pacific County, Washington, are hurting and hurting bad. How can I tell? On almost every street in the area, one can find a "for sale" sign. These signs adorn homes, cars, boats, trailers, bicycles, golf clubs -- just about anything that can be turned into quick money. I won't be surprised if I start seeing a few such signs on pets!

Even our local second-hand store is in trouble. Normally, when the economy sags a bit, second-hand stores see an uptick in business as more people find it necessary to eschew new doodads for used ones. But the economy around here has gotten so bad that Wild Bill's is holding a "going out of business" sale with their already low prices slashed by 70%!! The owners had planned to end the sale on August 31, but sales have been so slow that they've extended it.

I know that Della and I are hanging on by a bare thread. So, I hope the learned economists are correct. I'm just not going to hold my breath.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's all propaganda. They put fear into us and then they take it back. They are messing with our minds.


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