
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bare Naked Breasts

If you listen to fundamentalist Christians, one of the great downfalls of modern society is the carnal nature of television programing (and films). A person can turn on the telly at almost any hour of the day or night and view all sorts of fornicating, rape, leering and things that make them shudder. And who is responsible for all this lusty foreplay? Why it's all of us godless cretins! I suppose that includes philosophical Taoist too!!

Interestingly enough, there isn't as much as one sentence in the Tao Te Ching that specifically refers to ANYTHING sexual. There are no stories of gang rapes, incest, or leering at a friend's wife. While a person can't find any such references in the TTC, guess where you can find all these sex-crazed instances and more?

In the Christian Bible!!

I find it highly ironic that the people who run around desiring to censor the public airwaves are the very same people who hold up this carnal book as the measure that all people should live by. While the TTC would earn a G rating, many portions of the bible would garner an R or X rating.

The Old Testament is packed full of stories of rape, incest, and all kinds of debauchery. Even worse, in many instances, we're told that God approves of these actions!

And that's not all. We also find God instructing his followers on the fine art of kidnapping, enslaving other humans beings and rampant murder. In many instances, pillaging and stealing are encouraged as well.

Consequently, if we used the stories told in the bible as a blueprint for what could be shown on TV and film, it would look a lot like what we can see now -- maybe even a tad bit more lurid.

So what are these folks squawking about?


  1. That simply was just to beautiful! Thank you for the wake up call!:)

  2. One should never listen to fundamentalists, Christians or otherwise. Much harm is done by those who follow rules and leaders who display no wisdom or grace. Not all Christians are fundamentalists.

  3. Erin,
    I didn't say all Christians were fundamentalists. That said, fundamentalists scream louder and seem to exert a more troubling political shadow.

  4. agreed, but i have to shake my head at the title... bare breasts really have nothing to do with rape and incest, or even sex in pretty much any culture but our own...

    after all, i bare my breasts to my month old son all the time. :)

  5. The title was meant to be "tongue-in-cheek".

  6. oh ok, i obviously didn't get that lol ;)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I see your point, but wouldn't it be more accurate to call the Old Testament the Jewish Bible (the Torah), rather than the Christian Bible? Since it is in the New Testament alone where the message of Christ is found, not in the old testament, and is what differentiates Christianity from Judaism.

    p.s. I deleted my original comment because it was in my opinion too sloppy.

  9. Cym,
    The problem with your solution is that Jesus supposedly fulfilled numerous prophecies contained in the OT. Consequently, if Christians throw out the OT, then Jesus loses is [fractured] lineage to King David and his divinity to boot.

  10. You see I did not have a judeo-christian upbringing, so the divinity or lineage of Jesus is irrelevant to me. Even so, I find parts of the NT inspirational, of positive value, particularly the Sermon on the Mount. I would think that his message, the words attributed to him, would be what matters the most. Like the Tao Te Ching, normally attributed to Lao Tsu, would it lose its value if it was found out to be authored by someone else? No. Same thing with Jesus. I see value in Jesus's message even if he weren't divinity. My point was that none of the passages in the New Testament attributed to Jesus, say anything hateful, he doesn't condone rape, or murder, or denigrating females. His message was one of love and forgiveness and generosity. And if you are going to point out all the hateful misogynistic passages of the Old Testament, you shouldn't put all the blame on Christianity, but also include Judaism as well, because the OT is Jewish.

    But then again, I'm not a bible scholar, or a Christian, so maybe you're right. Are You saying that Christ's message means nothing without the Old Testament? It can't stand on its own?

  11. Like the Tao Te Ching, normally attributed to Lao Tsu, would it lose its value if it was found out to be authored by someone else? No.

    No. Lao Tzu can be translated as "Old Master" and so we have no idea who he was. In fact, there's a really good chance he's a fictional character. More than likely, the TTC had numerous authors and it existed as an oral tradition for many hundreds of years before it made its way to paper.

    It's not really that important who wrote it. Taoists tend to use the name Lao Tzu as a form of shorthand. The words are true simply because we can experience them in our lives.

    Are You saying that Christ's message means nothing without the Old Testament? It can't stand on its own?

    I'm saying that, if one is a Christian, you can't pick and choose which parts of the Bible are applicable and which aren't. Much of the words put in Jesus' mouth were directly related to words of the earlier prophets.

    Further, the OT establishes the identity, personality and powers of God. Remove all that info and Christianity has no mooring.

    Finally, it must be remembered that viz-a-viz the Bible Jesus considered himself a Jew bound by the law in the OT. The argument can easily be made that his purpose was not to found a new religion; he merely wanted his fellow Jews to be better Jews.

  12. Well guess that means Christianity is not for me, because I'll pick and choose however I like.

  13. Cym,
    Christianity, like most religions, has some core beliefs that you must accept. Like you, I prefer to pick and choose what works for me and what doesn't.

  14. actually, the "bible" was simply a "pick and choose" version of a mythology which includes a bunch of non-canonical texts as well as what we refer to as "the bible." the church basically rejected the texts which didn't suit their purpose at the time.

    so why can't christians nowadays pick and choose from the bible's texts? many people are inspired by the life of jesus without prescribing to the interpretation of churches or adopting those aspects of the bible that they feel are cultural, not moral.

    that said, when TRT refers to "christians" he refers, generally, to mainstream fundamentalists, such as those found in my old church. :P

  15. you are so stupid and might go to hell. I am NOT god so i can't say if you will, but stop insulting my religion


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