
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Taoist Sex Secrets

Whoa! I'm sure that title caught a lot of people's attention. It's one of the many topics I find on the web during my daily searches for blogs discussing Taoism.

So, are you ready to hear the number one secret for having a stupendous sex life?

Here it is -- there is NO secret! Nada. Zilch. Zero. Pfftt.............

The sex act is like anything else in life. You learn by trial and error. What might work for 100 people may not work as well for you or it might work for you, but be a complete turn off to your partner.

This is not to suggest that a person can't gain some insight from talking to others, reading a book or watching a video. You can pick up some great tips from watching The Food Network, but you can't consider yourself a chef until you've spent some time in the kitchen!

So, if somebody tells you they have a surefire method of improving your performance in the bedroom, be very suspicious. Like with everything else in your life, you must follow your own path. As long as that path harms no one and is between you and another consenting adult, the two of you will out to figure out what works best for your relationship or situation.


  1. in other words, experiment and practice. :) i like your advice. lol

  2. It's really obvious that you have already embraced this advice. :D

  3. Hi R t-

    You are right, there are no secrets only individual preferences and desires - and trust to explore without judgment. eehah!!

    Love to you

    p.s. come and see the celebration over at my blog when you have a moment

  4. So true, so true!


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