
Monday, August 10, 2009

New Voices Along the Path IV

Here are some new links recently added to the "Taoist Wanderers" section in the right sidebar.

A Cup of Ocean
For many years I have always considered religion, religious concepts, and religious constructs to be like standing on the beach looking down into a cupful of ocean. It isn’t THE ocean, for nothing human can contain or for that matter even measure THE ocean. It is only an infinitesimally small fraction of the ocean, and an insignificant part at that. It is simply a cup of this awesome vastness we have labeled the ocean, and yet the religious ideas and squabbling that have arisen over each tiny cup are so numerous and inconsequential!

Stepping back, one can observe the beach lined with millions of people grasping tightly to their single, small cup of ocean, each proclaiming that they therefore HAVE the ocean, can define and measure and study and know the ocean because they have this one small cupful of it. It is only by stepping back can one finally see the great cosmic humor of this folly.

Art by Ren Adams
Much of my work is inspired by the Chinese masters, Taoism, philosophy, and the wonderful things in ordinary life. Whether it’s the slant of light as August folds into September, the brilliant orange of a Cheeto, or the playful humor of a kitten, I find the movement of art present in all things.

Chinese brush painting is part of my daily meditation. I take each stroke, each layer, and each subject seriously. Yet, in all that heaviness, there’s something wonderfully humorous. The lighthearted balances the grave. Such is the harmony of life.

Barefoot Doctor
Barefoot Doctor enjoyed a mystically oriented childhood, studied Aikido, energy healing and meditation at age 11, studied yoga, Tai Chi in his late teens, the human psyche and how to approach it with RD Laing in his early 20s, shamanism living with the Native Americans for four years in New Mexico and acupuncture and Taoism in his mid- to late -twenties, returned to London in ’83, ran a busy acupuncture healing practice till 2000, while also doing experimental performance events, workshops, seminars and talks, making healing music and teaching Tai Chi and meditation. In 2000 he went full time into book-writing, media and running this site, which has been in existence since 1998 as an informal online Taoism training school and virtual clinic (through email coaching). He spends his time writing, running the site, making music, doing workshops, seminars, talks and musical events around the world and helping people. He is now also running School For Warriors an 8-week online course in the principles of personal power. His 13th book, THE MAN WHO DROVE WITH HIS EYES CLOSED - AND MY OTHER ASTONISHING TEACHERS AND GURUS will be published by Hay House in the UK in October 2009 and in the US in December 2009 also with Hay House, under the title, SUPERCHARGED TAOIST - THE MAKING OF A BAREFOOT DOCTOR.

Blogging the Tao
I’ve often visited the Tao Te Ching , seduced as I have been by its rather minimalist, poetic structure, its permissive Way and its startlingly unconventional wisdom. In fact, years ago as a young 20-something, I remember writing on a piece of paper, something that looked like a formula about the different states of consciousness. It was by the sage, Lao Tze, commonly regarded as the founder of Taoism. Even back then, I easily connected with its truth if only in a vague sort of way.

Just a couple of months ago, that piece of paper turned up in amongst some stuff I was resurrecting from storage. I was quite excited and could barely believe my good fortune. It reminded me of how I had never let my interest in seeking the deeper/truer meaning in life stray very far.

Center for Daoist Studies
Welcome to the website of the Center for Daoist Studies. The Center for Daoist Studies (CDS; Daoxue zhongxin) is the education and research branch of the Daoist Foundation, a non-profit religious and educational organization dedicated to preserving and transmitting traditional Daoist culture. The Center for Daoist Studies conducts and supports research and education on the Daoist tradition. Our principal activities include (1) Research on the history of Daoism, with particular attention to the diverse methods and contextual nuances of Daoist practice; (2) Education about Daoism as a Chinese and global religious tradition; (3) Translation of classical and contemporary Daoist literature into English; (4) Collection and archiving of historically significant materials related to Daoism; and (5) Dissemination of accurate and relevant information on Daoism in digital and media formats. The Center also aims at facilitating dialogue and networking among Daoist scholars, practitioners and communities both in North America and throughout the world. Located in Olympia, WA.

LaoZi Academy
The LaoZi Academy was established to bring the benefit of authentic ancient Daoist practices and lifestyle strategies to the public. Traditional Chinese Daoists perfected the arts of health, safety, happiness and long life.

Daoist Master Dong Yang has directly received these powerful techniques through a private lineage of Masters that has been unbroken for thousands of years.

By concentrating on the original ancient roots of traditional Daoist theory and practice the LaoZi Academy gives the student a genuine foundation which is substantial and life changing. True self-empowerment comes easily and naturally, a stable state of happiness and well-being is achieved. Stress, anxiety and diseases of modern life are eliminated. Located in West Ryde NSW, Australia.

Secrets of Tao

We welcome you to one more source on the web, containing information about Tao/Taoism, its connection to the Chinese culture and the influence on different aspects like Qi Gong/Chi Kung and Kungfu (Internal/External).

Taoist Studies Institute
The Taoist Studies Institute is a place for people interested in deepening their understanding and practice of the Taoist tradition. Over the last decade, a unique, educational program to support this vision has developed. Our curriculum offers participants a strong foundation in Taoist cultivation and energetic awareness through a combination of practices including Taoist meditation, philosophy, traditional medicine, and the arts. Located in Seattle, WA.

The Quotable I Ching
I Ching. Therefore I am!

Wu Dang Tao
Read the Master's thoughts, and share your own views too!

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