
Thursday, August 6, 2009

It's Not About Moi

Back on July 29, I mentioned that I'm open to guest posts. In fact, on that same day, I ran one by Richard Shelmerdine. This got me to thinking about the series I'm doing on the Tao Te Ching. You know, I don't have to pen all of them. I'm doing so at this point because...well...this is my blog. But folks, it doesn't have to be this way.

If there is a particular verse (or verses) that speak to you and/or there is one or more points you would like to draw out of same, I would be pleased as punch to step aside here and there. If you are interested, send me an email. Just understand that I'm doing one verse per day in numerical order. Consequently, if verse 71 is your pride and joy, it will mean that it won't appear until late September. : )

While I certainly don't anticipate a mad rush to secure a spot, if it were to happen that two or more of you contacted me about writing a guest post for the same verse, I think I would simply run both or, if there were hundreds (I'm laughing here) of such requests, all of them in one post.

So, if any of you want to take a flier at this, the door is wide open. You can write something original and cross-post it here and on your blog OR I would be just as happy if you sent me a re-post of something that has appeared on your blog previously -- just make sure you include a link to the original.

(One other thing. Regarding style, I am certainly anally retentive in areas such as this. You will need to begin your post with the appropriate verse and to indicate to me which translation or rendition you are utilizing, so I can format in the corresponding link -- Ya gotta remember that I LIKE patterns. Beyond that, you can handle it any way you want to.)

There are millions of different ways to interpret the TTC and your interpretation is welcome here.


  1. Hi R T

    Way too many instructions for me!! :-) And anyway, you do a fine job of representing so I always say, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", well I don;t say it exactly like that because the grammar is horrid! :-)

    Love to you and Della

  2. Can I do 23?

    I like that one.


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