
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Learning Curve

While I believe that access to quality health care should be considered a basic right and provided to all citizens, there is another basic right that I think is also, if not more, important -- education. If I was allowed a larger hand in how this nation was administered, I would work to ensure that cradle-to-grave education was available for all.

Learning is the bedrock of being human. It deepens our understanding of this ephemeral world and it provides us with the means to explore different ideas and perspectives. Not only that, but better informed individuals tend to make better informed decisions.

Unfortunately, far from promoting education, our society seems to be moving in the opposite direction. Funding for our public school systems has not been keeping pace with inflation and the costs for higher education have gone through the roof! It now costs a small fortune ($50K per year and upwards) to attend one of the elite schools and even some community colleges are becoming prohibitively expensive.

The old slogan still rings true -- a mind is terrible thing to waste!

1 comment:

  1. HI R T

    "AMEN" I SO agree.

    My son teaches in the South Bronx at the International High School of the Bronx. All of the students are from other countries and VERY glad to be at such a school and receiving a very good opportunity for education. He teaches English to seniors. And has written policy to change the way education is delivered, graded and made accessible. Fascinating work.

    Love Gail


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