
Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Kingdom of Tao

Throughout the social history of humankind we have embraced all sorts of isms. Social organization -- particularly in the area of governance -- has been managed according to religious, economic and political precepts. While monarchy, dictatorship, communism and democracy are the central modes of the last century or so, no nation or civilization has ever been governed under the auspices of Taoist philosophy.

While I would not suggest that a Taoist state would be perfect, I also don't think it could be any worse than anything in place now. The current state of the world is one borne of strife, environmental degradation, oppression and endless war. A great deal of this morass must, unfortunately, be laid at the foot of Christianity because, as R. H. Tawney posited in Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, protestantism and capitalist exploitation have grown hand-in-hand.

In fact, the marriage of capitalism with Christianity is now the predominant driving force in the entire world. Those nations that practice only one or neither are still directly impacted by the overall economic system.

While this unholy alliance has wreaked havoc with every aspect of societal development, the one area it has most severely impacted is the state of our planet. We are literally killing our birthplace right out from under our feet. For the most part, a lot of Christians out there are egging us on.

This is one of many facets about Christianity that I simply do not understand. According to this belief system, everything originates from their god. So, despoiling the earth SHOULD BE looked upon as spitting in the creator's eye. Yet, Christians are the ones behind concepts such as Manifest Destiny and imperialism (social and material exploitation). It is the Christian religion that cheers on capitalists as they lay waste to forests, streams, oceans, air and land. It is the Christian Church that urges these environmental thugs onward in exchange for bigger tithes in the offering plate.

It's interesting to note that the most populated nation in the world, China, didn't eclipse the US in several pollution-related categories until that government started employing many of the Christian-infused capitalist economic strategies. Before this change in industrial methodology, they lagged far behind us.

Of course, some within the Christian faith want to see us trash dear Mother Earth because it will hasten the rapture. It's interesting, though, that they don't concurrently understand that their creator might be a tad bit miffed that his followers have laid waste to all of his handiwork. The lion's share of Christians don't share this odd perspective, but their overall response to this critical issue has been apathetic, at best.

Since Taoism stresses the idea of an interconnection of all things, I find it hard to believe that a Taoist-led society would find itself staring in the face of ecological calamity. Since plants, land and animals are understood to share equal footing with humans, exploitation of one over the other would be greatly minimized.

I'm not going to hold my breath. Our world is gripped by those who desire wealth and power at the expense of all else. Such people will not willingly cede these desires to a system that encourages humility and simpleness.

In many ways, the dream of a Taoist-led society is about as utopian as the concepts of heaven or nirvana.

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