
Monday, July 20, 2009

Appeal to Reason

When I'm involved in a discussion or debate with fundamentalist Christians -- particularly with folks leaving comments on ex-Christian, agnostic or atheist blogs -- it continually amazes me what these folks utilize for their bottom dollar line of defense. When they can't seem to sway anyone with their so-called facts, they announce that the rational mind is not the best vehicle for getting in touch with their God.

I find this to be a most unusual argument when we consider that this mode is precisely the one used by their supreme deity. Supposedly, the Bible expresses God's covenant with his people. It began as an oral tradition and, in time, was committed to paper. According to the conservative view, God told human authors what to write and so the sentiments in the Bible are God's sentiments.

In other words, their God chose to bridge the divide with humans via a course that addressed us through our rational capabilities of language and critical thinking. So, if he felt this was the best mode of delivery, why then do Christian apologists tell us the exact opposite? It seems to me that they are directly contradicting their own supreme leader!

I can hear some of them argue, how else could God communicate his desire for a relationship with us?

For starters, he could have skipped the collectivist approach and appealed to each person individually. In American Indian culture, the people would pursue dreams and visions. These visions helped define who a person was and what animal or other object would be their medicine.

Another way their God could impart his wisdom and expectations to his human children is to tutor each of us while in the womb. Mothers tend to carry their children for 8 - 9 months and this would provide an all-powerful fellow like God with plenty of time to share his great wisdom.

Like a computer, he could have implanted something akin to a chip in our brains that, at given point in time, transmitted the great lessons of this life throughout our being.

Of course, because he is all powerful, he could have devised methodologies that my feeble human brain can't begin to fathom!

But, according to their story, he didn't do any of those things. As stated above, if you accept the Christian version of reality, their God made the conscious decision to appeal to our faculties of reason. So, why do apologists tell us again and again that this is the one mode least likely to bear fruit?


  1. ugh, that's the answer i got so tired of hearing while i was a christian and had the audacity to ask "why" or "how does that make sense?" the answer: the bible doesn't have to make sense, it's just true without needing any "proof." :P that's something i could not accept, so i left the faith, choosing to pursue my beliefs according to what i discover to be true through actually living life. the most eye opening thing i've ever done.

  2. I agree. It's one the most eye-opening experiences for any person who leaves the confines of a religious faith.


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