
Friday, June 19, 2009

Taoists Everywhere

I just discovered something that I think is really cool. There are over 10,000 people on blogger who have tagged their profile with the word, "Taoism". Look, I realize that, in the overall scheme of things, that's not really an eye-popping number, but it still impresses me, nonetheless.

Heck, if you look for the profile tag "Christianity", there are over 46,000 of 'em. That's about 4 1/2 times more. But, when you consider the prevalence of Christianity in western society versus the lack of prevalence of Taoism, I actually find it quite amazing that the gap between the two isn't really that wide.

So, does that mean Taoism is surging across the globe? Probably not, but then, who knows?

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