
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Some Like It H-O-T

As I'm sure even the casual reader understands, I tend to be rather obsessed with numbers and one set of numbers that seems to fascinate me to no end concerns those having to do with weather! (I actually read recently that a fixation on weather is common to many aspies.) So, as is typical for yours truly, I've been watching the national weather maps today.

I've discovered that, with the exception of upper New England and much of the coastal west, all the rest of you in the continental US are suffering various degrees of a major heat wave. I've noted that the heat index is in the 100 - 110 degree range in places like Tulsa, Little Rock, Dallas, Shreveport and Jackson, MS.

It would seem that the majority of the nation is experiencing a yang weather pattern! But for every yang, there must be a yin and South Bend is claiming that title. Though our official high temperature was a rousing 64 degrees, it was very short lived. For most of the day, we've experienced heavy mist with the thermometer hovering in the mid to upper 50s (we've climbed to 57 right now).

Does this mean anything significant? Of course not! I'm simply preoccupied with numbers. That's all.

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