
Monday, June 29, 2009

Picking Sides

Had a nice talk with my dad today. As is not atypical, the conversation soon turned to a discussion of books and authors. My dad recommended two books on topics related to the American West and, when I couldn't find either via our library system's online catalog, he said he'd locate his copies and mail them to me. Cool! I'm related to a library!! :D)

One of the books focuses on an obsession shared by the two of us -- George Armstrong Custer and the so-called Last Stand. My father remarked that the particular book in question was written by an historian without an agenda. We agreed that most books on this subject are written by folks who either are ardent Custer defenders or just as ardent Custer detractors.

While I look forward to receiving my shipment of books, I will state that I don't necessarily agree with me pa about the objectivity of the author he mentioned. While this author may have begun his research with no axe to grind, it's hard for me to believe that he didn't choose one side or the other once the research was completed.

Have you ever watched a political debate or sporting event? If you watch from start to finish, somewhere along the way you choose which person or team you favor, even if ever so slightly. Me thinks if a person REALLY didn't care one way or the other, you wouldn't watch it to begin with.

From my perspective, there's absolutely nothing wrong with choosing a particular side, so long as you don't prance around acting as if you're completely objective.

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