
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Over and Over Again

I've recently read on a few blogs this idea that, once any given blogger starts to repeat him or herself, it's near time to hang it up. I suppose the thinking here is that the information and opinions presented on a blog should always be new and cutting edge.

I will grant that, if any blogger simply repeats the same prose post after post, the whole process would become monotonous and, in time, no one would probably read it. But beyond that, life itself is an exercise in repetition.

Every breath we take is a repetition of the one before. Every morning that we get up or every night that we go to bed is a repetition from the previous day. Most of the conversations that we share with our partner, family, friends and co-workers are not altogether unlike previous conversations. Even the thoughts we think in our little noggins often are thoughts we've thought before.

If we take this one step further, all knowledge and thought already exists in the universe. When each of us conceives a new formulation of an idea, we're simply borrowing it from the universal cerebral library. Chances are that the very same book has been checked out millions of time before!

Therefore, it's natural that what we write on our blogs will be repetitive. There are only so many ideas and concepts out there. If we decided that our blog would only present original ideas, then no blogs (conversations or thoughts too) would exist. We would sit cross-legged each day in a state of blankness.

There is one more important aspect to consider. Every second of our existence we're obtaining new (to us) sensations, experience and information. These various elements congeal in this thing we call the self. So, while our lives are filled with repetitive acts, each one can be somewhat new as we add this fresh criteria to the mix. When we discuss a certain idea or point, we're apt to add a new ingredient to our formulation.

In the end, if you expect to find new and unbridled text on this blog, you ain't going to find it. While I cover a wide range of subjects and topics, all of them are merely reformulations of what I've stated before. In essence, each word I peck out on this keyboard is both old and new.

And it will always be this way.

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