
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Corners of My Mind

I think it should evident to anyone who visits here that I love to write. Not only do I love it, but it's one of those things I'm rather good at. I published my first poem when I was still in grade school and completed my first screenplay during high school. I was a feature columnist on two college newspapers and I've published e-zines for years.

However, as I continue the process of culling through my belongings, I'm really beginning to wish I didn't write so damn much!! It really slows down the process having to read every piece of paper to decide if I really need to hang on to it or not. For years, I simply refused to throw any of my writings away. Who knows when a new inspiration would strike?

However, I'm getting much better at chucking things. The recycled paper pile is larger than the "hold onto it" pile. It just amazes me how much worthless dribble I've held onto for decades.

The only positive for having kept all these manuscripts, poems, screenplays, plays, songs and unintelligible scraps of paper is that it provides me with a window into the chronology of my emotional life -- good thing since I can't remember most of it. I've found several bits of writing that I haven't laid eyes on in, maybe, 25 years.

If nothing else, it's provided a brief reminder how angst filled my youth was.

1 comment:

  1. I became a writer because that's what I do. I write. I don't think I have a choice in the matter.

    It reminds me of a quote from George Balanchine, the choreographer: "We don't want dancers who want to dance. We want dancers who have to dance."

    Good luck on your spring (summer) cleaning.


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