
Thursday, May 14, 2009

No Flow

Unfortunately, I think I understand the concept of blockage (no flow) better than the average bloke. When we're each unable to go with the flow, we become stagnant. On an emotional level, we can't seem to motivate ourselves to get up and going. In essence, we become bogged down, mired in a rut.

I've been up almost all night. In fact, it's no longer night anymore! I'm not suffering from emotional or psychic blockage; it's more physical, in nature. Without going into the gory details, my spastic colon is at it again -- a not untypical complaint for those with fibromyalgia.

I've struggled with this -- shall we say -- difficulty for my entire life. Things just sort of stop moving and get hung up. It causes gas, bloating and a good deal of pain. It's not because I eat a poor diet. I partake of plenty of fiber and I drink lots of liquid. Nonetheless, from time to time, things seem to stop moving along their merry way.

Of course, I know what the real culprit is -- stress. While some people get migraines, my focal point is a lot lower. I simply wish I could learn to relax this internal part of my body. Believe me, I've tried, but, as with many things in life, trying is the problem. As Master Yoda (Star Wars) would say, "Don't try. Do."

Enough of that. Just be glad my problem isn't the other side of the coin -- diarrhea. Now that would make for an interesting post!! ;-)


  1. I must say you keep quite a sense of humour about this.

  2. 'Tis better to laugh than cry, my friend. : )

  3. I can sympathized with you on this. I never knew until I got older that things should "flow" more then once a week...


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