
Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's All About Power

In my last entry yesterday, I discussed how the economic might of religious institutions equates into the ability to generate a tremendous influence on the ethos of a society. While there is no question in my mind that the obtainment of earthly wealth is a strong motivating factor, I don't think it represents the root of the problem. It is merely one of the manifestations of the desire for unmitigated power.

When we scrape away all the hyperbole and hubris, this is what religion is truly about -- control. Religions want to control your pocketbook, behavior, attitudes, and, most importantly, your mind. In many ways, it's nothing more than a shameless power trip.

Religion creates dependent and needy people who become scared of the idea of thinking for themselves. It's beaten into their heads that they are unworthy wretches and the ONLY way their miserable lives can be raised from the oozing muck of this life is by vowing allegiance to "spiritual" leaders who will guide them to the land of milk and honey. They're taught that their bodies are vessels of immeasurable sin and that carnal lust surely will punch their ticket straight to hell.

Since part of being human is to have a body with needs and desires, religion seeks to alienate us from our senses (hence, the proverbial sins of the flesh). So, what can the good adherent do to cleanse themselves of their humanness? They beat themselves up for being who and what they are. If that wasn't enough, they carry around a super-sized tanker of guilt.

But wait! Most people don't like feeling bad about themselves, so they look for other ways to cast off their feelings of utter inadequacy. And where, pray tell, do they find an acceptable target? OTHER people, particularly other people who don't share their myopic version of the absolute divine truth!

The peons of the various religious machines vent their self-loathing on each other through war, prejudice, oppression, brutality and bigotry. They spend so much of their time, energy and meager resources beating up on each other that the elite -- many of whom just happen to be the leaders of the various religions -- can build up even more power, influence and wealth.

It's a time-honored strategy that has proven to work almost every time. Sow dissension in the ranks and the faithful will spend so much time fighting with each other that the leaders can get away with bloody murder and the mass won't even raise a peep.

As long as folks allow themselves to be controlled by religion, there is no escape from this never-ending cycle. But there is a strategy that can break the control of religious institutions and leaders -- Think for yourself; cast off your fetters.

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