
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hmm...That's Different

I often like to look at the referring URLs that bring a person to TRT. It's one way to find out who lists your blog on their blog roll, not that this genuinely matters in the overall scheme of things! What fascinates me the most are the various criteria employed by individuals utilizing a search engine. Some of the search strings can be really hilarious.

More often than not, it's a straightforward proposition. Someone types "taoist blogs" or "taoism blog" into Google or Yahoo. A close cousin to this kind of search is to type "taoism and an additional (word[s] or topic[s])". Sometimes a person is looking for a catch-phrase or a quote. I wrote a post many moons ago about the song "Let Peace Begin with Me" and, on occasion, people arrive at TRT based solely on this criteria.

Today, I discovered a most interesting search string -- "man tao bread wiki". Aside from a hearty chuckle, I'm left to wonder the precise information this person was looking for. I can't imagine that anything on this blog met with that person's satisfaction.

Hey, but who knows?

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